ZIPS Dry Cleaners, a Maryland-based company, offers a solution to those whose flags need a bit of TLC. The business offers free flag cleaning services at no cost to the customer – year-round – as part of a tradition that started when the company was founded more than 20 years ago.
“The people that founded ZIPS are still active in the business today and one of their guiding principles was always to fly the American flag and be proud of it and also offer, at any point in time, to clean the American flag for free,” ZIPS CEO Drew Ritger told FOX Business.
But, cleaning and mending Old Glory isn’t the only tribute the company pays to the country. ZIPS also welcomes U.S. military veterans by offering a 20% discount on the licensing fee to open a franchise.
ZIPS was created when a group of independent dry cleaners came together in 1996 and uses a one-price-for-all business plan. No matter the size of the garment, the company charges customers $2.99. Today, there are more than 50 stores operating in six states, with the company expecting to open locations in Oregon, Indiana and Miami, Florida by the end of next year.